I had the privilege of working along side Lance for many patrol shifts. Lance had a great sense of beat responsibility. I practically had to fight him to take paper on his beat. While working swing shift, we became members of “PAIT”, the Patrol Accident Investigation Team. Those that were part of the team know what I’m talking about. Lance and I had an agreement on that shift, he would draw my simple sketches for accident reports and I would take the sexual assault reports in his beat. I miss those days!
When Lance returned to work after his first surgery, we rode together for 2 weeks. That was a blast! Lance and I both got into the Detective Bureau at about the same time, 2 FNG’s back in the unit!
I really miss the little things that made up Lance, the way he would say, “Well La De Freaking Da” or croon “Bow chicka wow wow” after a colorful comment. I miss him making fun of the “Muts” even though they did get to the World Series in 2000, while his Giants were home watching on TV, something I didn’t let him forget. I miss our debriefings and trying to name 80's songs on Saturday night while working the west side detail. I miss the comradery we shared and catching bad guys together. I could go on and on.
I really miss the little things that made up Lance, the way he would say, “Well La De Freaking Da” or croon “Bow chicka wow wow” after a colorful comment. I miss him making fun of the “Muts” even though they did get to the World Series in 2000, while his Giants were home watching on TV, something I didn’t let him forget. I miss our debriefings and trying to name 80's songs on Saturday night while working the west side detail. I miss the comradery we shared and catching bad guys together. I could go on and on.
Suffice to say that I think about Lance often and miss him immensely. When I put on my uniform, I will wear his memorial pin, so badge #62 stays 10-8. I hope his family knows what a tremendous man Lance was and how much he touched the lives of those around him.
Lori Kligerman